Do this by capturing flags and killing enemies. Currently, Ravenfield is a single player battlefield style game, where the objective of the game is to beat your enemy team’s score by 200 points. In this game, you will take control of a BLUE soldier, whose goal is to defeat the REDs. Ravenfield is an upcoming first person shooter game complete with various vehicles, terrain physics, and ragdoll physics. Additionally, incremental updates are distributed via a beta branch for those who do not fear slightly more buggy releases.Rally your soldiers and stay close to your brothers in arms! Take down the pesky REDS in this action packed first person shooter game – Ravenfield! Capture flags, fly helicopters, ride a tank, and do everything you can to win your team! Ravenfield is being developed as an early access game, with major content updates scheduled to be released every 4-6 weeks. What’s even more impressive about Ravenfield is that it can be played in a huge number of desktop builds since it has very low system requirements. Damaged soldiers drop team-colored blood splats, indicating where battles have taken place Currently, Ravenfield is available for all three of the major desktop operating systems: Windows, Mac, and Linux.The number of combatants is only limited by what your computer can handle!.Active ragdoll physics combines tactical strategies with a sprinkle of silly fun About This Game The Ravenfield Multiplayer Project (RFMP) is a community created project with the sole intent of creating multiplayer support for Ravenfield.Fight as infantry, or in ground vehicles, aircraft, or watercraft.Ravenfield is an action-adventure single-p. The game is designed to be easy to pick up and play, but also rewarding for all skill levels! Key Features Ravenfield latest version: Ravenfield - Ravage Through the Battlefield. Ravenfield is a singleplayer game in the vein of older team-vs-team AI shooters. Ravenfield is a singleplayer game in the vein of older team-vs-team AI shooters. Fight upon the Ravenfield together with your Blue allies! Take down those pesky Reds using helicopters, tanks, guns, and active ragdoll physics!